Bag Lunch Ministry

The Bag Lunch Ministry has three teams supplying lunches for the EXIT Outreach Program in downtown Calgary. EXIT offers a safe place where young people can find shelter, food, medical treatment and counseling services. The aim is to help them “exit” the street life.

Our teams prepare 100 sandwiches, and provide muffins, fruit, juice, milk and snacks on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Sunday of each month. Most of the food costs are paid by the church. We are thankful for food donations by parishioners as well as ‘leftovers’ from parish events.

Wood’s Homes is a multi–service non–profit children’s mental health organization, working with families for over 100 years. EXIT’s building in Inglewood combines all the Wood’s Homes Street Services (counseling, Culinary Arts, Employment Programs, EXIT Outreach).

Our bag lunch program has been running for more than 30 years.